Metal Detectors Solutions

Do you want a metal detector system to detect any dangerous metal material at the entrances
Are you looking for baggage scanners to scan the luggage and baggage at the lobbies

Startech security and business systems, Being a major security system company in Dubai, We can be your reliable supplier for various Professional Security Solutions.

Please click here to contact us to know more about our products and services.

We are devoted to strengthening security measures in all government and private organizations and improving the levels of solutions customized to create a safer and controlled environment.

We improve your Security at all levels

Our solutions are integrated across many organizations that serve a single purpose to help create a secured environment. We have successfully partnered with some of the biggest names in the metal detectors industry in help providing solutions to some of the most secured premises of Dubai market.

Parking Management Solutions

Parking Management systems

Metal detector systems and baggage scanners are one of the major component of any security solution in highly secured premise. The recent rise in crime has led to the development of security devices that are able to work in the most sophisticated and complex environments. Baggage scanners use X rays to detect the materials inside the luggage.
Please click here to know more about our products.

Metal detectors are one among them of such security system. Metal detectors and baggage scanners work with human supervision in authorizing persons that do not possess any harmful metal gears.

We can provide you high quality solutions from metal detectors and luggage scanning solutions in partnering with world class vendors around the globe.

We have partnered with world’s leading metal detector manufacturer Garret USA and Canadian baggage scanner company VOTI to provide high quality products and service.

Our Metal Detectors and industrial Usage

The growth of business over the past decade in Dubai has been the fastest in the world, the amount of international business investing in this region has grown drastically creating a market for a variety of requirement that is within ISO standards helping business to operate in the most productive way. The use of metal detectors is one such equipment used by business organization in a variety of industries for their users

Types of metal detectors

Walk Through Metal Detectors

These metal detectors suit organizations with basic and serious security measures that need either temporary or permanent solutions. These metal detectors are able to completely check an individual with the least possibility to breach security. Most often used in locations that require in assisting large crowds of people in entering secured zones and are most appropriate in airports, stadiums and organizations that require higher security profile

Hand Held Metal Detectors

They come in different sizes and with different uses. The hand-held detectors can be scanner technology integrated with a variety of options to enhance the accuracy depending on the client’s requirements. They assist in smaller control of security and are often used along with walk through detectors in place that could strengthen the reach of searching. The hand-held metal detectors are suitable for both small and large requirements of the organizations, as they are able to work in multiple applications

Ground Search Metal Detectors

These are metal detectors that work with hi-end security measures or for commercial use and suited for clients in the field of detecting metal as gold mine. The ground search metal detectors are able to detect a variety of metal and used by the clients for task oriented jobs, these metal detectors help in security at large organizations that acquire an elite security setup that ensure that every aspect of the security process is secured and well managed. Most suitable for private security of places of national interest with the likes of government, military access points

Metal Detectors Devices

VOTI Single or Dual luggage / baggage scanner

The VOTI single or dual luggage/ baggage scanner is an easy to operate, single or...

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GARRETT 360 Hand Held Metal Detector

SuperWand® Hand-Held Metal Detector...

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Garrett Hand held Metal Detector

The garrett hand held metal dector Super Scanner V has both audible and silent...

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GARRETT Walk Through Metal Detector

The garrett walk through metal detector CS 5000 is one of the industry’s most economical...

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GARRETT Heavy Duty Walk-Through Metal Detector

The MS 3500 is designed to withstand all types of weather conditions and rough handling....

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Garrett Pinpoint Walk-Through Metal Detector

Garrett’s Pinpoint Walk Through Metal Detector is an industry leader with superior pinpoint technology and...

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To Conclude,

Startech has partnered with manufactures of walk through metal detectors , hand held metal detectors , baggage and language scanners metal detectors with the likes of Garrett metal detectors who produced high quality metal detectors with some of the most sophisticated technology improvements available in the market, ensuring our solutions are well received and appreciated by our clients. As we pride our solutions to be of the highest quality. We are here to help you with solutions that gives the highest quality and a secured working environment for secured living in Dubai